How to Optimize the Forms on Your Website

You likely spend a lot of time, effort and money driving people to your dealership’s website in the effort to convert them from browsers to customers.

Engagement however, often starts with them filling out a form which for many potential customers, is annoying and cumbersome.  Our advice – make sure that the forms on your website are optimized for lead generation.

Make them attractive

Try changing the colour of your forms. Use blue, green and orange to inspire trust or to motivate. Also focus on positioning your forms where they will be seen. Don’t hide them in the corner but place them where they are easily seen.

Form fields

More is less. How often have you opened a form only to close it because there were just too many fields to fill out?  Your customers will react no differently.  Try to collect only the information that you absolutely need. For example, if you want to sign people up for a newsletter, you really only need their email.  For longer forms like credit apps, you will need to use more fields, but still, only ask for what you really need to process the app.

Conditional logic

Using this neat feature in your forms will allow customers to skip out on questions that are not relevant to them. For example, if someone answers “no” to a given question on the form, other non-relevant fields will automatically disappear.  This feature is great for surveys as well.

Abandoned forms

The reality is some forms get abandoned. Always make sure to review these partially submitted forms to gain insight into what stage the form is typically being abandoned. You might discover that one of your fields is creating a roadblock to completion so it’s best to review and revise.

AB Testing

Try making at least two versions of the same form and then compare the submissions that each one generates. One will generally reap better results, so keep that one from that pair and repeat this process again when you want to improve further.  A B testing is common practice when you want to see which of two possible options will procure better results.

Forms can be a pain, but they don’t have to be. Follow these simple guidelines and you will be well on your way to turning your forms into serious lead generating machines!